Every website needs hosting to be able to operate. Why not do some good with your web hosting? 10% of web hosting purchases will be donated to the E4GG charity.
E4GG offers web hosting services for sites of all shapes and sizes.
We can help transfer over your existing website and URL (web address eg. www.domain.com) to new hosting and set up email for you. If you need to buy a URL (web address) we can help you with that too.
At E4GG, we make the transition process to our hosting as smooth as possible
Web Hosting Features:
- Lightning Fast Australian Servers
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Add-on and Sub Domains
- Unlimited email accounts
- Free Comodo SSL Certificate
- Acronis Hourly Back Ups
- Fortinet Hardware Firewall
- DDoS protection
Web Hosting, URL and Website Development packages are available. Request a quote here.
E4GG Hosting is backed by the best in the business: Synergy.