Helping Nepal

Girls Shelter

In Nepal we have built a shelter with our Nepali partners Help Nepal which currently houses 22 girls from remote areas who come from poverty backgrounds and are at risk. We shelter and educate the girls and give them an opportunity to return home to visit their families in the holidays.

We are currently looking for people or groups who would like to sponsor one of the girls or donate a regular amount each week to help with their incredible care which includes school, self-defence lessons, music lessons and dance lessons. Every cent counts and helps us provide the care we are so proud of offering.

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Helping Nepal


We fundraise to offer the state school where the girls go.  We supply basic learning materials as well as try to upgrade the structural integrity of the buildings, which were effected during the earthquakes.

These children still to this day learn in a classroom with big cracks through the walls and floors. Our goal is rebuild sections of the school to give them a safe learning environment.

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Helping Nepal

Feed a Street Child

We are looking for people who are passionate about helping the children of the street who have been abandoned not only by their parents but also by their society. We are hoping to set up an opportunity for visitors to Nepal to buy fruit, tea, water and deliver it to those that need it most.

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